。救火英雄 (As The Light Goes Out)
。接近無限溫暖的藍 (Blue Is the Warmest Color)
。同窗諜影 (Commitment)
。喜愛夜蒲3 (Lan Kwai Fong 3)
。玩謝大導演 (Venus in Fur)
。救火英雄 (As The Light Goes Out)
。接近無限溫暖的藍 (Blue Is the Warmest Color)
。同窗諜影 (Commitment)
。喜愛夜蒲3 (Lan Kwai Fong 3)
。玩謝大導演 (Venus in Fur)
。我行我導: 木下惠介物語 (Dawn of a Filmmaker: The Keisuke Kinoshita Story)*
。寵愛情人夢 (Girl in the Sunny Place)
。魔童殺手 (Hwayi)
。戀愛教主 (Jinx)
。老爆伴郎團 (Last Vegas)
。大力戰神 (The Legend of Hercules)
。冬蔭功2 (Tom Yum Goong 2)
。我行我導: 木下惠介物語 (Dawn of a Filmmaker: The Keisuke Kinoshita Story)*
。寵愛情人夢 (Girl in the Sunny Place)
。魔童殺手 (Hwayi)
。戀愛教主 (Jinx)
。老爆伴郎團 (Last Vegas)
。大力戰神 (The Legend of Hercules)
。冬蔭功2 (Tom Yum Goong 2)
。一個複雜故事 (A Complicated Story)
。控制 (Control)
。緣來…說夠了 (Enough Said)
。命懸48小時 (Hours)
。折翼小天使 (Me & You)*
。黑金諜戰 (Möbius)
。惡戰 (Once Upon A Time In Shanghai)
。警察故事2013 (Police Story 2013)
。白宮管家 (The Butler)
。一個複雜故事 (A Complicated Story)
。控制 (Control)
。緣來…說夠了 (Enough Said)
。命懸48小時 (Hours)
。折翼小天使 (Me & You)*
。黑金諜戰 (Möbius)
。惡戰 (Once Upon A Time In Shanghai)
。警察故事2013 (Police Story 2013)
。白宮管家 (The Butler)
。清須會議 (Kiyosu Kaigi)
。私人訂制 (Personal Tailor)
。臨終囧事 (Mortician)
。搞乜鬼飢餓遊戲 (The Starving Games)
。特務戇金 (The Spy: Undercover Operation)
。清須會議 (Kiyosu Kaigi)
。私人訂制 (Personal Tailor)
。臨終囧事 (Mortician)
。搞乜鬼飢餓遊戲 (The Starving Games)
。特務戇金 (The Spy: Undercover Operation)
。六福喜事 (Hello Babies)
。六福喜事 (Hello Babies)
。賭城風雲 (From Vegas to Macau)
。驚天諜變:魅影特攻 (Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit)
。渣斯汀大任務 (Justin and the Knights of the Valour)
。喜羊羊與灰太狼6之飛馬奇遇記 (Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 6)
。大夢想家 (Saving Mr. Banks)
。西游記之大鬧天宮 (The Monkey King)
。賭城風雲 (From Vegas to Macau)
。驚天諜變:魅影特攻 (Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit)
。渣斯汀大任務 (Justin and the Knights of the Valour)
。喜羊羊與灰太狼6之飛馬奇遇記 (Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 6)
。大夢想家 (Saving Mr. Banks)
。西游記之大鬧天宮 (The Monkey King)
。我和貝貝的歷險 (Belle and Sebastian)
。曼德拉-自由之路 (Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
。偷書賊 (The Book Thief)
。LEGO英雄傳 (The Lego Movie)
。我和貝貝的歷險 (Belle and Sebastian)
。曼德拉-自由之路 (Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
。偷書賊 (The Book Thief)
。LEGO英雄傳 (The Lego Movie)
。騙海豪情 (American Hustle)
。戀一世的愛 (Endless Love)
。鐵甲威龍 (RoboCop)
。華爾街狼人 (The Wolf of Wall Street)
。戀火浮生 (Twice Born)
。冬日奇緣 (Winter's Tale)
。騙海豪情 (American Hustle)
。戀一世的愛 (Endless Love)
。鐵甲威龍 (RoboCop)
。華爾街狼人 (The Wolf of Wall Street)
。戀火浮生 (Twice Born)
。冬日奇緣 (Winter's Tale)
。續命梟雄 (Dallas Buyers Club)
。妖魔行者 (I, Frankenstein)
。千里伴我尋 (Philomena)
。鬼城 (Project H)
。同屋:喚命日記 (Roommate)
。古文明救兵 (The Monuments Men)
。續命梟雄 (Dallas Buyers Club)
。妖魔行者 (I, Frankenstein)
。千里伴我尋 (Philomena)
。鬼城 (Project H)
。同屋:喚命日記 (Roommate)
。古文明救兵 (The Monuments Men)
。被奪走的12年(12 Years a Slave)
。一個葬禮四個失禮 (August: Osage County)
。佛陀2: 無盡的旅程 (Buddha 2: Endless Journey)
。絕地孤軍 (Lone Survivor)
。龐貝末日:天火焚城 (Pompeii)
。被奪走的12年(12 Years a Slave)
。一個葬禮四個失禮 (August: Osage County)
。佛陀2: 無盡的旅程 (Buddha 2: Endless Journey)
。絕地孤軍 (Lone Survivor)
。龐貝末日:天火焚城 (Pompeii)
。戰狼300:帝國崛起 (300: Rise of an Empire)
。愛不難 (For Love, We Can)
。百寶狗先生與細蚊:時光機大歷險 (Mr. Peabody & Sherman)
。甜蜜殺機 (Sweet Alibis)
。智取威士忌 (The Angels’ Share)*
。美味情書 (The Luchbox)
。嫌疑犯 (The Suspect)
。金剛王 (Wrath of Vajra)
。戰狼300:帝國崛起 (300: Rise of an Empire)
。愛不難 (For Love, We Can)
。百寶狗先生與細蚊:時光機大歷險 (Mr. Peabody & Sherman)
。甜蜜殺機 (Sweet Alibis)
。智取威士忌 (The Angels’ Share)*
。美味情書 (The Luchbox)
。嫌疑犯 (The Suspect)
。金剛王 (Wrath of Vajra)
。觸不到的她 (HER)
。直航殺機 (Non-Stop)
。極速激戰 (Need for Speed)
。末日公投 (The Philosophers)
。等風來 (Up In The Wind)
。我要…17歲 (Young & Beautiful)
。觸不到的她 (HER)
。直航殺機 (Non-Stop)
。極速激戰 (Need for Speed)
。末日公投 (The Philosophers)
。等風來 (Up In The Wind)
。我要…17歲 (Young & Beautiful)
。北京愛情故事 (Beijing Love Story)
。黑色喜劇 (Black Comedy)
。分歧者: 異類叛逃 (Divergent)
。小明星 (Starlet)
。布達佩斯大酒店 (The Grand Budapest Hotel)
。羅馬浮世繪 (The Great Beauty)
。戰俘 (The Railway Man)
。北京愛情故事 (Beijing Love Story)
。黑色喜劇 (Black Comedy)
。分歧者: 異類叛逃 (Divergent)
。小明星 (Starlet)
。布達佩斯大酒店 (The Grand Budapest Hotel)
。羅馬浮世繪 (The Great Beauty)
。戰俘 (The Railway Man)
。3日限殺令 (3 Days to Kill)
。3點終.再勾魂 (3AM Part 2)
。歌聲中呼喚愛 (Greetings from Tim Buckley)
。盜馬記 (Horseplay)
。百萬獎金夢 (Nebraska)
。挪亞:滅世啟示 (Noah)
。重生3D (The Second Coming)
。Tiger and Bunny The Rising 劇場版
。3日限殺令 (3 Days to Kill)
。3點終.再勾魂 (3AM Part 2)
。歌聲中呼喚愛 (Greetings from Tim Buckley)
。盜馬記 (Horseplay)
。百萬獎金夢 (Nebraska)
。挪亞:滅世啟示 (Noah)
。重生3D (The Second Coming)
。Tiger and Bunny The Rising 劇場版
。3D豪情 (3D Naked Ambition)
。舌尖上的武士道 (A Tale of Samurai Cooking- A True Love Story)
。美國隊長2:寒冬戰士 (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
。平平安安上學去 (On The Way To School)
。性上癮 前篇 (Nymphomaniac)
。情場 DRY 爆三兄弟 (That Awkward Moment)
。十二夜 (Twelve Nights)
。3D豪情 (3D Naked Ambition)
。舌尖上的武士道 (A Tale of Samurai Cooking- A True Love Story)
。美國隊長2:寒冬戰士 (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
。平平安安上學去 (On The Way To School)
。性上癮 前篇 (Nymphomaniac)
。情場 DRY 爆三兄弟 (That Awkward Moment)
。十二夜 (Twelve Nights)
。女神愛揀宅 (Campus Confidential)
。緣份路線圖 (Chinese Puzzle)
。爸爸去那兒 (Dad, Where Are We Going?)
。愛.尋.迷 (Enthralled)
。那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅van (The Midnight After)
。聖羅蘭 (Yves Saint Lauren)
。女神愛揀宅 (Campus Confidential)
。緣份路線圖 (Chinese Puzzle)
。爸爸去那兒 (Dad, Where Are We Going?)
。愛.尋.迷 (Enthralled)
。那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅van (The Midnight After)
。聖羅蘭 (Yves Saint Lauren)
。公義終站 (Fruitvale Station)
。真的有天堂 (Heaven is for Real)
。熱血青春 (Hot Young Bloods)
。全職獵人劇場版: 最終任務 (Hunter x Hunter 2:The Last Mission)
。冰封俠:重生之門 (Iceman)
。知音夢裡行 (Inside Llewyn Davis)
。魔女宅急便 (Kiki’s Delivery Service)
。奇鸚嘉年華2 (Rio 2)
。魔警 (That Demon Within)
。古惑松鼠之飢餓任務 (The Nut Job)
。你愛我媽 (Two Mothers)
。公義終站 (Fruitvale Station)
。真的有天堂 (Heaven is for Real)
。熱血青春 (Hot Young Bloods)
。全職獵人劇場版: 最終任務 (Hunter x Hunter 2:The Last Mission)
。冰封俠:重生之門 (Iceman)
。知音夢裡行 (Inside Llewyn Davis)
。魔女宅急便 (Kiki’s Delivery Service)
。奇鸚嘉年華2 (Rio 2)
。魔警 (That Demon Within)
。古惑松鼠之飢餓任務 (The Nut Job)
。你愛我媽 (Two Mothers)
。雙生靈 (Bilocation)
。索命樂章 (Grand Piano)
。完美假妻168 (Lock Me Up,Tie Him Down)
。性上癮 後篇 (Nymphomaniac)
。小三大聯盟 (The Other Woman)
。整容日記 ( The Truth About Beauty)
。吸血學院 (Vampire Academy)
。雙生靈 (Bilocation)
。索命樂章 (Grand Piano)
。完美假妻168 (Lock Me Up,Tie Him Down)
。性上癮 後篇 (Nymphomaniac)
。小三大聯盟 (The Other Woman)
。整容日記 ( The Truth About Beauty)
。吸血學院 (Vampire Academy)
。香港仔 (Aberdeen)
。Delete愛人 (Delete My Love)
。HELLO!純一! (HELLO!Junichi)
。雷朋三世 VS 名偵探柯南 劇場版 (Lupin III VS Detective Conan THE MOVIE)
。伊朗式離婚 (The Past)
。超越潛能 (Transcendence)
。香港仔 (Aberdeen)
。Delete愛人 (Delete My Love)
。HELLO!純一! (HELLO!Junichi)
。雷朋三世 VS 名偵探柯南 劇場版 (Lupin III VS Detective Conan THE MOVIE)
。伊朗式離婚 (The Past)
。超越潛能 (Transcendence)
。黑執事 (Black Butler)
。白日焰火 (Black Coal, Thin Ice)
。哥斯拉 (Godzilla)
。賤鄰50 (Neighbors)
。永遠的0 (The Eternal Zero)
。黑執事 (Black Butler)
。白日焰火 (Black Coal, Thin Ice)
。哥斯拉 (Godzilla)
。賤鄰50 (Neighbors)
。永遠的0 (The Eternal Zero)
。魔谷奇案 (DEVIL’S KNOT)
。傷失的情歌 (The Broken Circle Breakdown)
。東京小屋 (The Little House)
。變種特攻:未來同盟戰 (X-Men: Days of Future Past)
。魔谷奇案 (DEVIL’S KNOT)
。傷失的情歌 (The Broken Circle Breakdown)
。東京小屋 (The Little House)
。變種特攻:未來同盟戰 (X-Men: Days of Future Past)
。奪命西 (A Million Ways to Die in the West)
。廣告祭! 唔制! (Judge!)
。竊聽風雲3 (Overheard 3)
。小失戀.大漫遊 (Queen)
。雷諾亞的繆斯 (Renoir)
。奪命西 (A Million Ways to Die in the West)
。廣告祭! 唔制! (Judge!)
。竊聽風雲3 (Overheard 3)
。小失戀.大漫遊 (Queen)
。雷諾亞的繆斯 (Renoir)
。暴力禁區 (Brick Mansions)
。歸來 (Coming Home)
。命運在翻牆 (Omar)
。怒火激情 (Out of the Furnace)
。毒火追擊 (Sabotage)
。羅馬浴場2 (Thermae Romae 2)
。城市遊戲 (Urban Games)
。暴力禁區 (Brick Mansions)
。歸來 (Coming Home)
。命運在翻牆 (Omar)
。怒火激情 (Out of the Furnace)
。毒火追擊 (Sabotage)
。羅馬浴場2 (Thermae Romae 2)
。城市遊戲 (Urban Games)
。超級選拔戰 (Draft Day)
。婚前撻Q日記 (Marriage Blue)
。微交少女 (May We Chat)
。失魂 (Soul)
。逆權大狀 (The Attorney)
。突擊死亡塔2黑金任務 (The Raid 2)
。醉街情人玩大咗 (Walk of Shame)
。Z風暴 (Z Storm)
。超級選拔戰 (Draft Day)
。婚前撻Q日記 (Marriage Blue)
。微交少女 (May We Chat)
。失魂 (Soul)
。逆權大狀 (The Attorney)
。突擊死亡塔2黑金任務 (The Raid 2)
。醉街情人玩大咗 (Walk of Shame)
。Z風暴 (Z Storm)
。馴龍記2 (How to Train Your Dragon 2)
。上帝之子 (Son of God)
。殺王者 (The Fatal Encounter)
。老而嚟癲 (The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared)
。馴龍記2 (How to Train Your Dragon 2)
。上帝之子 (Son of God)
。殺王者 (The Fatal Encounter)
。老而嚟癲 (The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared)
。看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty - TAIWAN FROM ABOVE)
。愛混在一起 (Blended)
。滋味旅程 (Chef)
。繞樑三日媽媽Sing (Goddess)
。盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Rituals)
。皮下之慌 (Under the Skin)
。輝耀姬物語 (The Tale of The Princess Kaguya) *7-12
。看見台灣 (Beyond Beauty - TAIWAN FROM ABOVE)
。愛混在一起 (Blended)
。滋味旅程 (Chef)
。繞樑三日媽媽Sing (Goddess)
。盂蘭神功 (Hungry Ghost Rituals)
。皮下之慌 (Under the Skin)
。輝耀姬物語 (The Tale of The Princess Kaguya) *7-12
。猿人爭霸戰:猩凶崛起 (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)
。今‧猛‧夜 (Deliver Us From Evil)
。平成對昭和 幪面超人大戰 feat.超級戰隊 (Heisei Riders vs. Shōwa Riders: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai)
。只要一分鐘 (One Minute More)
。紅酒瘋 (Red Obsession)
。催眠大師 (The Great Hypnotist)
。奴隸區 (Tokyo Slaves)
。猿人爭霸戰:猩凶崛起 (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)
。今‧猛‧夜 (Deliver Us From Evil)
。平成對昭和 幪面超人大戰 feat.超級戰隊 (Heisei Riders vs. Shōwa Riders: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai)
。只要一分鐘 (One Minute More)
。紅酒瘋 (Red Obsession)
。催眠大師 (The Great Hypnotist)
。奴隸區 (Tokyo Slaves)
。戰神: 海格力斯 (Hercules)
。愛の放題 (Love's Whirlpool)
。人間中毒 (Obsessed)
。永生情人 (Only Lovers Left Alive )
。飛機總動員2:救火大行動 (Planes: Fire & Rescue)
。舞出真我5 (Step Up All In)
。戰神: 海格力斯 (Hercules)
。愛の放題 (Love's Whirlpool)
。人間中毒 (Obsessed)
。永生情人 (Only Lovers Left Alive )
。飛機總動員2:救火大行動 (Planes: Fire & Rescue)
。舞出真我5 (Step Up All In)
。分手100次 (Break Up 100)
。銀河守護隊 (Guardians of the Galaxy)
。生命中的美好缺憾 (The Fault In Our Star)
。電影多啦A夢 新‧大雄的大魔境
。白髮魔女傳之明月天國 (White Haired Witch)
。分手100次 (Break Up 100)
。銀河守護隊 (Guardians of the Galaxy)
。生命中的美好缺憾 (The Fault In Our Star)
。電影多啦A夢 新‧大雄的大魔境
。白髮魔女傳之明月天國 (White Haired Witch)
。我就嚟是歌手 (20 Feet from Stardom)
。閨密 (Girls)
。絕路殺姬 (Lucy)
。聖鬥士星矢: 聖域傳說 (Saint Seiya Legend of Sanctuary)
。泰山 (Tarzan)
。忍者龜: 變種新任務 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
。鐵人父子 (The Finishers)
。夢與瘋狂之王國 (The Kingdom Of Dreams And Madness) *8-9
。我就嚟是歌手 (20 Feet from Stardom)
。閨密 (Girls)
。絕路殺姬 (Lucy)
。聖鬥士星矢: 聖域傳說 (Saint Seiya Legend of Sanctuary)
。泰山 (Tarzan)
。忍者龜: 變種新任務 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
。鐵人父子 (The Finishers)
。夢與瘋狂之王國 (The Kingdom Of Dreams And Madness) *8-9
。颶風中心 (Into The Storm)
。怪談少女 (Mourning Grave)
。單親小小姐(What Maisie Knew)
。等一個人咖啡 (Café.Waiting.Love) *8-15
。颶風中心 (Into The Storm)
。怪談少女 (Mourning Grave)
。單親小小姐(What Maisie Knew)
。等一個人咖啡 (Café.Waiting.Love) *8-15
。情迷出租男 (Fading Gigolo)
。朋友2 (Friend:The Great Legacy)
。罪惡城2: 蛇蠍情人 (Sin City: A Dame to Kill For)
。失戀急讓 (Temporary Family)
。動漫影后 (The Congress)
。情迷出租男 (Fading Gigolo)
。朋友2 (Friend:The Great Legacy)
。罪惡城2: 蛇蠍情人 (Sin City: A Dame to Kill For)
。失戀急讓 (Temporary Family)
。動漫影后 (The Congress)
。囧探出更 (22 Jump Street)
。蒙羅麗莎の瞳 (All-Round Appraiser Q: The Eyes of Mona Lisa)
。舞自由 (Desert Dancer)
。王道 (For The Emperor)
。四大名捕大結局 (The Four 3)
。米芝蓮摘星奇緣 (The Hundred-Foot Journey)
。被消失的影像 (This Missing Picture)
。游魂惹鬼 (The Swimmers)
。囧探出更 (22 Jump Street)
。蒙羅麗莎の瞳 (All-Round Appraiser Q: The Eyes of Mona Lisa)
。舞自由 (Desert Dancer)
。王道 (For The Emperor)
。四大名捕大結局 (The Four 3)
。米芝蓮摘星奇緣 (The Hundred-Foot Journey)
。被消失的影像 (This Missing Picture)
。游魂惹鬼 (The Swimmers)
。一切從音樂再開始 (Begin Again)
。一生一世 (But Always)
。唱Opera的保羅 (One Chance)
。轟天猛將3 (The Expendables 3)
。情迷布加勒斯特 (The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman)
。恐怖在線 (Twilight Online)
。一切從音樂再開始 (Begin Again)
。一生一世 (But Always)
。唱Opera的保羅 (One Chance)
。轟天猛將3 (The Expendables 3)
。情迷布加勒斯特 (The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman)
。恐怖在線 (Twilight Online)
。震盪療情 (Concussion)
。如果我留下 (If I Stay)
。K:消失的王 (K: Missing Kings)
。大宅男 (My Geeky Nerdy Buddies)
。同桌的妳 (My Old Classmate)
。春光乍網 (Sex Tape)
。國定殺戮日:全民瘋殺 (The Purge: Anarchy)
。懸疑第三者 (Third Person)
。戀上春樹 (Wood Job)
。震盪療情 (Concussion)
。如果我留下 (If I Stay)
。K:消失的王 (K: Missing Kings)
。大宅男 (My Geeky Nerdy Buddies)
。同桌的妳 (My Old Classmate)
。春光乍網 (Sex Tape)
。國定殺戮日:全民瘋殺 (The Purge: Anarchy)
。懸疑第三者 (Third Person)
。戀上春樹 (Wood Job)
。亡命救參 (A Walk Among The Tombstones)
。男人唔可以窮 (Golden Brother)
。情迷月色下 (Magic In The Moonlight)
。浪客劍心2: 京都大火篇 (Rurouni Kenshin Part 2)
。移動迷宮 (The Maze Runner)
。蟲蟲大聯盟:方糖爭霸戰 (Minuscule - Valley Of The Lost Ants) *9-20
。亡命救參 (A Walk Among The Tombstones)
。男人唔可以窮 (Golden Brother)
。情迷月色下 (Magic In The Moonlight)
。浪客劍心2: 京都大火篇 (Rurouni Kenshin Part 2)
。移動迷宮 (The Maze Runner)
。蟲蟲大聯盟:方糖爭霸戰 (Minuscule - Valley Of The Lost Ants) *9-20
。詭娃安娜貝爾 (Annabelle)
。德古拉伯爵: 血魔降生 (Dracula Untold)
。唐伯虎衝上雲霄 (Flirting In The Air)
。麥兜.我和我媽媽 (McDull·Me & My Mum)
。失蹤罪 (Gone Girl)
。千術之神 (Tazza 2)
。她消失以後、離開他以後 (The Disappearance Of Eleanor Rigby: Him & Her)
。黃金時代 (The Golden Era)
。詭娃安娜貝爾 (Annabelle)
。德古拉伯爵: 血魔降生 (Dracula Untold)
。唐伯虎衝上雲霄 (Flirting In The Air)
。麥兜.我和我媽媽 (McDull·Me & My Mum)
。失蹤罪 (Gone Girl)
。千術之神 (Tazza 2)
。她消失以後、離開他以後 (The Disappearance Of Eleanor Rigby: Him & Her)
。黃金時代 (The Golden Era)
。咒怨:死結的開端 (Juon - The Beginning of the End)
。軍中樂園 (Paradise In Service)
。諜網暗戰 (The November Man)
。男孩像他 (The Way He Looks)
。紐約性訴 (Welcome to New York)
。咒怨:死結的開端 (Juon - The Beginning of the End)
。軍中樂園 (Paradise In Service)
。諜網暗戰 (The November Man)
。男孩像他 (The Way He Looks)
。紐約性訴 (Welcome to New York)
。我要做差佬 (Let's Be Cops)
。爭氣 (My Voice, My Life)
。浪客劍心3: 傳說落幕篇 (Rurouni Kenshin Part 3)
。天師鬥殭屍 (Sifu VS Vampire)
。後會無期 (The Continent)
。未來叛變 (The Giver)
。辯父律師 (The Judge)
。鼓動真我 (Whiplash )
。我要做差佬 (Let's Be Cops)
。爭氣 (My Voice, My Life)
。浪客劍心3: 傳說落幕篇 (Rurouni Kenshin Part 3)
。天師鬥殭屍 (Sifu VS Vampire)
。後會無期 (The Continent)
。未來叛變 (The Giver)
。辯父律師 (The Judge)
。鼓動真我 (Whiplash )
。一起黑爆的日子 (Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day)
。戰逆豪情 (Fury)
。戀戀小情歌 (God Help The Girl)
。殺人凶戲 (The Act of Killing)
。愛我請說謊 (The Liar and His Lover)
。笑笑小家庭 (Wish I Was Here)
。屍城 (Zombie fight club)
。一起黑爆的日子 (Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day)
。戰逆豪情 (Fury)
。戀戀小情歌 (God Help The Girl)
。殺人凶戲 (The Act of Killing)
。愛我請說謊 (The Liar and His Lover)
。笑笑小家庭 (Wish I Was Here)
。屍城 (Zombie fight club)
。心花路放 (Breakup Buddies)
。點對點 (Dot 2 Dot)
。魔角 (Horns)
。山本五十六 (Isoroku)
。一個人的武林 (Kung Fu Jungle)
。第七謊言 (The Seventh Lie)
。死亡占卜 (Ouija)
。殺神John Wick
。心花路放 (Breakup Buddies)
。點對點 (Dot 2 Dot)
。魔角 (Horns)
。山本五十六 (Isoroku)
。一個人的武林 (Kung Fu Jungle)
。第七謊言 (The Seventh Lie)
。死亡占卜 (Ouija)
。殺神John Wick
。大茶飯 (Gangster Pay Day)
。奇緣灰姑娘 (Grey Met Shrek)
。怒海沉淪 (Haemoo)
。星際啟示錄 (Interstellar)
。我的忐忑人生 (My Brilliant Life)
。我的名字是… (My name is hmmm...)
。渴望 (The World of Kanako)
。大茶飯 (Gangster Pay Day)
。奇緣灰姑娘 (Grey Met Shrek)
。怒海沉淪 (Haemoo)
。星際啟示錄 (Interstellar)
。我的忐忑人生 (My Brilliant Life)
。我的名字是… (My name is hmmm...)
。渴望 (The World of Kanako)
。黑仔刑警 (A Hard Day)
。別相信任何人 (Before I Go to Sleep)
。痞子英雄: 黎明再起 (Black & White:The Dawn of Justice)
。單身男女2 (Don't Go Breaking My Heart 2)
。死亡派對 (The Deathday Party)
。落格風暴 (The Drop)
。風雪少女離奇命案 (White Bird In A Blizzard)
。黑仔刑警 (A Hard Day)
。別相信任何人 (Before I Go to Sleep)
。痞子英雄: 黎明再起 (Black & White:The Dawn of Justice)
。單身男女2 (Don't Go Breaking My Heart 2)
。死亡派對 (The Deathday Party)
。落格風暴 (The Drop)
。風雪少女離奇命案 (White Bird In A Blizzard)
。超低能王 (Dumb and Dumber To)
。非常實Q玩謝大毒梟 (In Security)
。行動代號:孫中山 (Meeting Dr. Sun)
。飢餓遊戲終極篇: 自由幻夢1 (The Hunger Games:Mockingjay Part 1)
。白雪公主殺人事件 (The Snow White Murder Case)
。東京暴族 (Tokyo Tribes)
。超低能王 (Dumb and Dumber To)
。非常實Q玩謝大毒梟 (In Security)
。行動代號:孫中山 (Meeting Dr. Sun)
。飢餓遊戲終極篇: 自由幻夢1 (The Hunger Games:Mockingjay Part 1)
。白雪公主殺人事件 (The Snow White Murder Case)
。東京暴族 (Tokyo Tribes)
。摩納哥王妃 (Grace Of Monaco)
。尋找快樂大步走 (Hector and the Search For Happiness)
。呢班波士仲抵死! (Horrible Bosses 2)
。黃飛鴻之英雄有夢 (Rise of the Legend)
。時裝巨人的狂情歲月 (Saint Laurent)
。摩納哥王妃 (Grace Of Monaco)
。尋找快樂大步走 (Hector and the Search For Happiness)
。呢班波士仲抵死! (Horrible Bosses 2)
。黃飛鴻之英雄有夢 (Rise of the Legend)
。時裝巨人的狂情歲月 (Saint Laurent)
。頭號公敵 (A Most Wanted Man)
。出埃及記: 神王帝國 (Exodus: Gods And Kings)
。販賣愛 (I Sell Love)
。青春鬥 (Kung Fu Angels)
。冥婚啟示 (Revelation of Ghost Marriage)
。緣了・愛未了 (The Best Of Me)
。霍金: 愛的方程式 (The Theory of Everything)
。頭號公敵 (A Most Wanted Man)
。出埃及記: 神王帝國 (Exodus: Gods And Kings)
。販賣愛 (I Sell Love)
。青春鬥 (Kung Fu Angels)
。冥婚啟示 (Revelation of Ghost Marriage)
。緣了・愛未了 (The Best Of Me)
。霍金: 愛的方程式 (The Theory of Everything)
。七月寒戰 (Cold In July)
。7步成屍 (Contracted)
。凌晨前的五分鐘 (Five Minutes to Tomorrow)
。鬼前身 (Jessabelle)
。接聽風雲 (Locke)
。患難家族 (Our Family)
。青龍 (Revenge of the Green Dragons)
。閃閃聖誕夢 (Santa Claus)
。七月寒戰 (Cold In July)
。7步成屍 (Contracted)
。凌晨前的五分鐘 (Five Minutes to Tomorrow)
。鬼前身 (Jessabelle)
。接聽風雲 (Locke)
。患難家族 (Our Family)
。青龍 (Revenge of the Green Dragons)
。閃閃聖誕夢 (Santa Claus)
。大英雄聯盟 (Big Hero 6)
。無涯:杜琪峯的電影世界 (BOUNDLESS)
。翻生侏羅館3:古墓的秘密 (Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb)
。哈比人:五軍之戰 (The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies)
。冬日甦醒 (Winter Sleep)
。大英雄聯盟 (Big Hero 6)
。無涯:杜琪峯的電影世界 (BOUNDLESS)
。翻生侏羅館3:古墓的秘密 (Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb)
。哈比人:五軍之戰 (The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies)
。冬日甦醒 (Winter Sleep)
。親愛的,原來是你 (Love, Rosie)
。柏靈頓小熊大電影 (Paddington)
。太平輪:亂世浮生 (The Crossing I)
。湯馬仕小火車: 索多島勇士 (Thomas & Friends: Tale of the Brave)
。親愛的,原來是你 (Love, Rosie)
。柏靈頓小熊大電影 (Paddington)
。太平輪:亂世浮生 (The Crossing I)
。湯馬仕小火車: 索多島勇士 (Thomas & Friends: Tale of the Brave)